So, I've realized that a few of my friends are still blogging here. I thought since I have nothing but time on my hands I would blog again as well!
Here goes our latest.... We have moved to Grosse Tete, LA. We live on my parents' property (about 100+ acres) in our "portable apartment". Kevin has found working driving school buses for West Baton Rouge Parish School Board. I'm still searching. I don't mind our living arrangements, but I sure do hate not having a job.
Kevin and I have been attending Grosse Tete Baptist Church with my parents. It's not "home", but I have met a wonderful new friend (HI JULIE!). Don't get me wrong, the people are wonderful there and we feel welcomed, but I'm not being "fed". They continue to invite me to the bible study programs, but I just don't believe that's what I'm looking for. I need to be able to dance before the Lord and sing happy songs and clap and rejoice..... I usually fall asleep. It's not because I don't like the pastor. Pastor Billy is super for a Baptist preacher, but you guys know how I am.... I need to be entertained... even before the Lord! Just continue to pray for Kevin and I to find the "home" that we belong in. btw... the women's group is starting a new study program on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it! Julie is leading us in studying "Stepping Up" by Beth Moore. Anyway... I'm really looking forward to it! (And YES, Tam.... I continue to read my devotional every morning! Thank you for the encouragement!)
Back to the job search (not my fave subject). I've applied for all sorts of jobs... NOTHING! I've done some interviewing but it seems like the job market here in Louisiana is about as bleak as it is in Houston... all of a sudden. There are no postings in the papers anymore. Continue to pray for the job that The Lord wants me in! I know it's there... the Lord just hasn't put me there yet.
I miss being in the schools! I miss my children! I miss Texas. Things are very different here. It's like a different world. People move slow. Things move slow. I'm struggling to adjust.
I've taught myself to knit... I've been crocheting for 20 years. I'm struggling with it, but I'll get there. I made curtains for the portable apartment and they look super. Still digging through photos that I can put up on the walls.... not a lot of wall space. We're going to be fixing the flooring in the trailer in the next few weeks and taking the couch out... that should be interesting. We're going to put some small recliners in instead.
Ruffles is wonderful! He enjoys being out here. He runs like crazy! Chases everything... from coons to birds and me! Gumbo (the red-eared turtle) has at least doubled in size in the last 6 months. He spends time outside in the dog kennel every day to soak up some rays. I don't know if he likes it or not.... turtles aren't real emotional. ~grin~
I'm going to go work on my last window treatment and clean up my mess. I love you all and miss you desperately! DD I will continue to update you here!
Great post! Can't wait for it to say -- Got a job!!!! I see we'll never get the Texas out of you ~giggle~ "I'm fixing". Gotta love it.