Happy Birthday to me!! I deserve to be happy! I proudly say that I am 41 years young today. I've been through so much in my lifetime, I deserve to enjoy my life now. I have super-great kids (and step kids); wonderfully funny husband; awesome friends and family; and a God that loves me! What could possibly make my life any more perfect?
So, my 40th birthday, I was still in Crosby. DD surprised me by decorating my office in all blue balloons... yes, I said blue! My birthday falls right after Halloween - she couldn't find black balloons! I had black roses and tombstones on my desk. And lots and lots of blue balloons! AND posted reminders EVERYWHERE (including the potty) that I was 40! I miss my gurls.
Happy Birthday to me!
Hello! There's one thing for sure you know about me... I forget birthdays. That's not true! I forget to let people know I'm thinking of them on their birthday. I really had good intentions of sending you something but time just gets away from me. Geraldine is back in the hospital and I spent the night with her last night. So I've had a little down time. So you're coming back to Crosby for our game. Wish I could go and visit with you. I'm worried we won't get to even go to Riley's baptism since Gerald is in the hospital. Take care and I hope you had a great birthday.